Saturday, November 28, 2009


Thanksgiving has come and gone and now I am getting ready for Christmas. I will be having a long Christmas, first performance is on the 5th @ The Grotto "Christmas Festival of Lights

In which I do have a solo and yes I'm freaking out!

Then we have our church's Evening in December program, in which I will again have the same solo... we are running Evening in December for 3 nights. December 11th-13th which is Friday-Sunday Night. Its a great night full of comedy, carols, songs and a twist on the traditional Christmas story. Its a fun filled family night. That's all I can think of right now.

Friday, November 6, 2009

I forgot about this thing

Haha I totally forgot about this thing. Well I've been keeping somewhat busy. I've worked on the Church's website, been teaching ESL, working on my costume for Halloween, being an auntie and just trying to live.

Also I got a tattoo! woo I'm such a rebel

I love it!